Since 2023, Katrin Fröhlich has been supporting Paritätische Projekte gGmbH as a consultant in the implementation of a Europe-wide project about young care co-funded by the European Union:

Care is all too often a topic that is automatically referred to the older generation or postponed to one's own individual future. Yet the care situation affects many people. In Germany alone, around five percent of people had an official care degree in 2021 (bifg, 2023a). At the same time, care is not just an aspect of growing older. Around 15 percent of people in need of care (679,753) are "young" adults, i.e. neither children nor older people (bfig, 2023b). Accidents, illnesses and/ or disabilities lead to people becoming dependent in the middle of their lives. An autonomous life might hardly be possible any more. The question of providing for oneself and one's family changes. The care situation also changes as soon as children in need of care become adults. Their demands for a self-determined life also change over time. At the same time, care institutions are strongly oriented towards older people. The YoungCare project therefore focuses on young adults in need of care and their caring relatives, because most of them are cared for at home. In Germany, the figure is around 95% (bfig, 2023a). Together with five other European organisations (ISIS (Institut für Soziale Infrastruktur gGmbH (Germany)), AFEdemy (Academy on age-friendly environments in Europe B.V. (the Netherlands)), SHINE 2Europe (Portugal), Vytautas-Magnus- University (Lithuania) und CADAI (Cooperativa Assistenza Disabili Infermi Anziani Infanzia (Italy)) research will be conducted together, an e-learning offer will be developed and recommendations for policy and practice will be drawn up.
More Informations can be found her:
bifg (BARMER Institut für Gesundheitssystemforschung) (2023a): Pflegebedürftige nach Pflegeleistung und Pflegegrad. pflegereport/pflegebeduerftige-nach-pflegeleistung-und-pflegegrad (14/02/2023).
Bifg (2023b). Pflegebedürftige nach Pflegegrad je Altersgruppe. pflegereport/pflegebeduerftige-nach-pflegegrad-je-altersgruppe (14/02/2023).